
TNG加入戰團 挑戰八達通地位

05/11/ 東網

TNG加入戰團 挑戰八達通地位

【on.cc東網專訊】 繼香港電訊(06823)及數碼通(00315)推儲值支付服務後,再有非金融機構挑戰銀行及八達通支付地位,於2012年成立的本地公司TNG推手機APP錢包,用戶可透過TNG WALLET完成與不同商戶,甚或朋友間的付款轉帳,並支援跨境付款。






TNG行政總裁江慶恩期望,TNG WALLET電子錢包除了可以繼續跟巿場內不同類型的商戶合作,更可以多夥拍高流轉消費品的業務,例如:時下流行的流動美食車、街頭熟食店、的士、小巴等,讓電子支付模式於香港巿場變得更普及,貫徹公司做好「街坊生意」的那份堅持及宗旨。

 TNG與零食店759阿信屋合作,首20萬位顧客於2015年11月4至19日期間,到759阿信屋各門巿下載及登記TNG WALLET,並增值港幣100元,即可額外獲得港幣100元及可享759阿信屋門巿88折購物優惠。

Announces Strategic Exit from Stored Value Facilities ("SVF") business

We would like to announce to our users that we have decided to exit the SVF business due to our consideration for strategic corporate restructuring and realignment. The decision to exit the SVF business was made after a thorough review and deliberation of the company’s portfolio and business strategies. We are working on a non-SVF business for a total transformation of our business to carry our motto of “Make Your Life Easier”. Do take note of our future announcement. 

Customer Protection

TNG Wallet remains committed to supporting its users, merchants, and service partners  during this transition. We have made sufficient provision for financial and administrative resources to meet the float redemption and relevant administrative processes to ensure that all obligations to users, merchants and service partners are met and that users are provided with the necessary guidance and support. 

The existing independent 3rd Party, Custodian agency, (“Tricor Trust (Hong Kong) Limited”) will continue to act as Custodian throughout the redemption process. TNG will commence the exit process today (25 October, at 4:30pm) and all of the services will be terminated by 9 December 2024. From 4:30pm on 25 October 2024 to 6:00pm on 9 December 2024, all TNG users will be able to withdraw your money in TNG Wallet in various ways (see below service list for more info). 

You are encouraged to withdraw the remaining balance via local merchant payment, FPS/ Bank Transfer, P2P Transfer, and MasterCard Purchase on or before 9 December 2024 6:00pm. All relevant service charges will be waived during the period of 25 October 2024 and 9 December 2024. After the termination of TNG services on 9 December 2024, TNG Wallet App will be retired and the management fees will be applied. 

For details, please click this window to find out.